Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • Barb Hazelton, Manager of Planning and Development
  • Brandy Morgan, Planning and Development Officer
  • Deanna Keiver, Planning and Development Officer
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



No Additions or Deletions

  • Resolution: 184/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as presented.

  • Resolution: 185/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the June 11, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.

  • Resolution: 186/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council move second reading of proposed Bylaw #1900 for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw #1808 by redesignating portions of the SW 13-29-25 W4M, Plan 861 0569, Blk 2 from Agriculture District to Local Rural Commercial.

  • Resolution: 187/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council move third and final reading of proposed Bylaw #1900 for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw #1808 by redesignating portions of the SW 13-29-25 W4M, Plan 861 0569, Blk 2 from Agriculture District to Local Rural Commercial.


The Chair deferred this item until later in the meeting, in order to accommodate the scheduled Delegation, which was set for 9:00 a.m.

The Chair called for a recess at 8:57 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Mark Maxell, President; Andrew Siggelkow, Managing Director of Operations; Kalvin Hildebrandt, Prairie Aviation Training Centre; presented to Council an overview of their expanded Aviation Training Centre and requested Council to consider upgrading the water main and construct a sanitary service line to the Three Hills Airport.

Community Services




The Chair deferred this item until later in the meeting, in order to accommodate the scheduled Public Hearing, which was set for 10:00 a.m.

The Chair called for a recess at 9:56 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.


  • Resolution: 188/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That the Public Hearing for Bylaw #1902 be opened at 10:01 a.m.


    Person(s) who presented: Deanna Keiver, Planning and Development Officer
    Person(s) who spoke: Wayne Nelson, Applicant and Steve Enberg

  • Resolution: 189/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That the Public Hearing for Bylaw #1902 be closed at 10:45 a.m.


Community Services



  • Resolution: 190/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council moves that Administration enter into an agreement with Badlands Motorsports Development Corp. and apply for the STIP-LMI grant on behalf of BMR for potential funding for the access road with costs above the normal operating budget to be borne by the developer.


The Chair called for a recess at 10:50 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 11:10 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 191/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct Administration to inform the Village of Acme that Kneehill does not wish to transfer any of its Aqua 7 water allocation at this time.

  • Resolution: 192/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council authorize the Reeve to sign an amended letter of concern regarding the Alberta Utilities Commission and send said letter to Premier Danielle Smith.

  • Resolution: 193/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council reschedule the July Council meeting from July 16th to July 23rd and the August meeting from August 13th to August 20th.

  • Resolution: 194/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council move second reading of proposed Bylaw #1902, as amended, for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw #1808 by redesignating a portion of SW 16-31-25 W4 from Agriculture District to Recreation District.

  • Resolution: 195/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council move third and final reading of proposed Bylaw #1902 for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw #1808 by redesignating a portion of SW 16-31-25 W4 from Agriculture District to Recreation District.

  • Resolution: 196/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council direct Administration to investigate options for upgrading the water service to the Three Hills Airport.


The Chair called for a recess at 12:31 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 197/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.




The meeting adjourned at 1:09 p.m.

No Item Selected