Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • Barb Hazelton, Manager of Planning and Development
  • Marika Von Mirbach, Financial Planning Coordinator
  • Ashley Olson, Financial Controller
  • Rajeana Nyman, Property Tax Clerk
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



Deletions from Agenda
11.1 Closed Session- Advice from Officials
4.1 Hamlet of Huxley Wastewater Study

  • Resolution: 101/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as amended.


Mitchell Kennedy, Auditor from BDO Canada LLP, provided Council an overview of the 2023 Financial Statements.

  • Resolution: 102/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approve the Dust Suppression rates as presented and direct administration to amend the Master Rates Bylaw to include these rates.


    2024 Rate

    Full Calcium Chloride (2 Applications)

    $10.00 / metre

    Top Spray Calcium  (1 Application)

    $5.00 / metre

    Spec Crude

    $56.00 / metre

  • Resolution: 103/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the April 9, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.

  • Resolution: 104/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council accepts the 2023 Audited Financial Statements as presented.

  • Resolution: 105/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council provide second reading to Bylaw #1897, that being a bylaw for the 2024 Tax Rates.

  • Resolution: 106/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw #1897, that being a bylaw for the 2024 Tax Rates.

  • Resolution: 107/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council provide first reading to Bylaw #1899, that being a bylaw for the 2024 Trochu Recreation Area Special Tax.

  • Resolution: 108/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council provide second reading to Bylaw #1899, that being a bylaw for the 2024 Trochu Recreation Area Special Tax.

  • Resolution: 109/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council consider holding third reading to Bylaw #1899.

  • Resolution: 110/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw #1899, that being a bylaw for the 2024 Trochu Recreation Area Special Tax.



Infrastructure- Roads/Bridges/Water/Wastewater/Environment

  • Resolution: 111/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approve the use of a Kneehill County water truck and operator for the Linden Sports Day.

  • Resolution: 112/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.


Councillor Christie provided a report on the meeting he attended on March 6, 2024.

Councillor McGhee provided a report on the meeting she attended on March 27, 2024. 

  • Resolution: 113/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council add the Unsightly Bylaw to the May 21st, 2024, Committee of the Whole Agenda.

  • Resolution: 114/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.




The Chair called for a recess at 9:34 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:15 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 115/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That the Public Hearing for Bylaw 1895 & Bylaw 1896 be opened at 10:15 a.m.


    Persons who presented:
    Barb Hazelton, Kneehill County, Planning and Development Manager
    Dan Rochette, Waste Connections of Canada
    Kristi Beunder, Waste Connections of Canada

    Persons who spoke:
    Dan Zembal
    Doug Northcott
    Brenda Brietzke
    Lyle Miller
    Robert Homersham, on behalf of Joe Becker and Scott Metzger
    Miley Becker
    John Moore
    Presley Becker
    Meagan Metzger
    Kelli Becker
    Amy Tetz
    Karen Michelson
    Earl Penner
    Tara Geddes
    Darcy Penner
    Craig Poulsen
    Coreen Tetz
    Jason Westin
    Doug McKenzie
    Angel Sawchuk
    Ken Ward
    Raghunandan Bharat
    Clinton Elliott
    Coltyn Tetz
    Jill White
    Karen Metzger
    Rosalie Lammle
    Richard Clark
    Dwayne McGarty
    Mike Bauer
    Gary Torlyelm
    Viv Hannah
    J. Lang
    Tara Sawyer
    Dean Penner
    Sadie Miller
    Carli Miller
    Amanda Miller
    Steve Larocque
    Linda Stevens
    Brandon Ramsey

    Persons who Submitted Letters

    Lynda & Sean Abell

    Shari Brown

    Susan Ewing

    Shirley Adam

    Tim Brown

    Rick & Shannon Fox

    Vince & Samatha Andersen

    Shirley Buyer

    Roger Francisco

    Merle & Patricia Anderson

    Dan Cavanaugh

    Fredie Froese

    Dustin Andrew

    Tom Chan

    Lorna Fyten-Lea

    Karen- Lee Andrew

     Richard & Wendy Clark

    Joanne Gallant

    Mark Andrew

    Alicia Cormier

    BJ Galleli

    Debbie Andrus

    Ron Coughlan

    Logan Galleli

    Rachelle Appleyard

    Wendy Coughlan

    TJ Galleli

    Rylee Appleyard

    Payden Custead

    Wyatt Galleli

    Sharon Appleyard

    Rich Custead

    Michael Ganong

    Troy Appleyard

    Seth Custead 

    Brad Geddes

    Mark Balanay

    Sherry Custead (Tetz)

    Jaxon Geddes

    Dan Balderson

    Arlys Davis

    Lane Geddes

    Roger Balderson

    Darcy & Nora Davis

    Tara Lee Geddes

    Bill Baldwin

    Garrett Davis

    Robyne George

    Margo Baldwin

    Jarrett & Kathleen Davis

    Shane Gibson

    Ally Banks

    Jay  Davis

    Ron Gill

    Doug Bates

    Jesse Davis

    Shawn Gorr

    Barb Bauer

    Karlie Davis

    Cathryn Hagel

    Jim Bauer

    Lorne Davis

    Kelly Hagel

    Jaci Becker

    Francis DeBeaudrup

    Troy Hagel

    Joey Becker

    Sandy DeBruin

    Glenda Haight

    Kelli Becker

    Wayne DeBruin

    Kyle Hakse

    Lois Becker

    Kade Delley

    Dixie Halstead

    Wyatt Becker

    Gentanso Diez

    Miles Hannah

    Cheryl Bell

    Dave   Downe

    Viv Hannah

    James Bell

    Gregery Drever

    Bev Hanses

    Jim Bell

    Cavin Dueck

    Pat Hanses

    Jerry & Glenda Berreth

    Salome Dueck

    April Hawkes

    Shawn Berreth

    Tina Dyck

    Donna  Hay

    Berwin Best

    Bert Dykstra

    Allen Hazenbey

    Marilou Best

    Bill & Donna Eitzen

    Barbara Heffner

    Myron Bettcher

    Perry Eitzen

    Brian Heffner

    Raghunandan Bharat

    Clinton Elliott

    Joanne Hempel

    Michelle Boake

    Helen Elliott

    Kevin Hempel

    Thomas Eisenhauer

    Robert Elliott

    Robert Homersham

    Ed  Bosch

    Rodney Elliott

    Tina Hunt

    Robert Boyd

    Shirley Elliott

    Darcy Jackson

    Dennis Bramley

    David Ewing

    Megan Jegou

    Michael Jelinski, DVM

    Deborah Martin

    Gordon & Marvel Nash

    Earl Jeninga

    Robert Martin

    Guss & Terry Nash

    Denika Johnson

    Diane Martin

    David Neher

    Terry Johnson

    Keith McAfee

    Cory Neighbours

    Bernice Kadatz

    Trevor McAfee

    Michelle Neighbours

    Kyle Kaiser

    Anna McGarty

    Ashley Neufeld

    Shauna Kenworthy

    Dwayne McGarty

    Bob & Penny Ohlhauser

    Alice & Reg Klassen

    Christine Mckenzie

    Christine Ohlhauser

    Mark Klassen

    Jody Mckenzie

    Robert Jay Ohlhauser

    Henry Kobbero

    Rita McLean

    Jakob Orton

    Kris Kobbero

    Stephen McLean

    Elizabeth Palmer

    Shari Kobbero

    Steve & Rika McLean

    Margaret Palmer

    Teresa Kobbero

    Alycia McMillan

    Danny Pannett

    Lyle Konschuh

    Karen McMillan

    Michelle Pannett

    Tracy Konschuh

    Danten Metzger

    John Samuel Parsons

    Marie Kooiman

    Karen Metzger

    Darcy Penner

    Brian Kostrosky

    Lucille Metzger

    Dean Penner

    Carol Kostrosky

    Meagan Metzger

    Earl Penner

    Michael Kostrosky

    Monty Metzger

    Kim  Penner

    Tammy Kranzler

    Richard & Carole Metzger

    Tamara Penner

    Barry Kroschel

    Ron & Wanda Metzger

    Jayme Piepke

    Leona Kruger

    Steven Metzger

    Maxine Piepke

    Kelly Kuz

    Ty Metzger

    Todd Piepke

    Kimberlee Kuz

    Clayton Michelson

    Laurel Pierce

    Jason Lanterman

    Delaney Michelson

    Jordan Pineda

    Marlen Lanterman

    Greg Michelson

    Amy Poulsen

    Steve Larocque

    Karen Michelson

    Della Poulsen

    Dylan Laye

    Lori Might

    Jill Press

    Jason Lemal

    Amanda Miller

    Steve Press

    Ronald Lembicz

    Ed  Miller

    Kevin Price

    Kiara Leslie

    Linda Miller

    Kevin & Linda Price

    Trisha Lewandowski

    Lyle Miller

    Mitch Price

    Jan Lewis

    Shannon Miller

    Lindsay Priebe

    Tera Little

    Ma Ming Fong

    F.  Pucala

    Sean Lynch

    Connie Moldrup

    Kelvin Redmond

    Brandie Mack

    John Moore

    Chester Reimer

    Justin Mack

    Nicholas Moore

    Terri Reimer

    Wendy Marsh

    Owen Moore

    Gary & Fay Rempel

    Gino Marshall

    Christopher Morton

    Amanda Rempfer

    Jazmin Martens

    David Nans

    Collin Rempfer

    Jody Rempfer

    Edward Thomas

    Ben R. Waldner

    John Rempfer

    Nancy Thomas

    Christina B Waldner

    Nelson JR Reyes

    Erika Thurn

    Clara Waldner

    John Richter

    Vicki Thurn

    Curtis Waldner

    Nick Sadoway

    Gary Torhjelm

    Dan Waldner

    Angel Sawchuk

    Irina Tsatsko

    Dave Waldner

    Brian Sawchuk

    Vladimir Tsatsko

    Eli Waldner

    Glen Sawchuk

    Abe Tschetter

    Freda Waldner

    Glen & Joy Sawyer

    Christy Tschetter

    Frieda Waldner

    Matt & Tara Sawyer

    David Tschetter

    Gary Waldner

    Chaz Scarlett

    David S. Tschetter

    Hank Waldner

    Chris Scarlett

    Frank Tschetter

    J. Barbara Waldner

    Magdalene Scheske

    Gabe Tschetter

    Jess Waldner

    Wayne Scheske

    Gabe A.  Tschetter

    Jim Waldner

    Carlene Schmaltz

    George Tschetter

    Jordan Waldner

    Calvin & Terry Schmitz

    Jerry Tschetter

    Josh Waldner

    Aileen & Mainard Seiler

    Joe H. Tschetter

    Judith Waldner

    Lorelee Shymanske

    Joe K. Tschetter

    Judy Waldner

    Rick & Linda Skibsted

    Johnny Tschetter

    Justin Waldner

    Carmen Smallman

    Kaden Tschetter

    Justin Waldner

    Rob Smallman

    Leha Tschetter

    Karen Waldner

    David Stahl

    Levi Tschetter

    Katie Waldner

    George Stahl

    Paul Tschetter

    Kelly Waldner

    Isah K.  Stahl

    Paul J. Tschetter

    Marie Waldner

    Isaiah P.  Stahl

    Paul K. Tschetter

    Marie K. Waldner

    Jonovan Stahl

    Paul R. Tschetter

    Naomi Waldner

    Paul Stahl

    Rachel Tschetter

    P. Barbie Waldner

    Peter B.  Stahl

    Reba Tschetter

    P. Frieda Waldner

    Mike Stahl

    Sarah Tschetter

    Rachel Waldner

    Michael Stern

    Thomas Tschetter

    R. Lillian Waldner

    Edward Stojke

    Cheyenne Tucker

    Rebecca Waldner

    Tara   Suddaby-Johnson

    Kees & Angela Uittenbogerd

    Susanne Waldner

    Murray Sutcliffe

    Charles VanCauwenberge

    Tyson Waldner

    Jessica Syvertsen

    Rene VanCauwenberge

    Cory Ward

    Lynn Tanner

    Jody Varga

    Darlene Ward

    Dave & Amy Tetz

    Stewart Varga

    Kenneth Ward

    Garry Tetz

    Terry & Clae Wagler

    Lori-Ann Ward

    MacKenzie Tetz

    Anne Waldner

    Natasha Ward

    Tyson & Brittney Tetz

    Barbara Waldner

    Bill & Linda Wiesner

    Vance Tetz

    Ben F. Waldner

    Colby Wolf

    Kimberly Wolf



    Sharon Wolf



    Liz Wood



    Melanie Wright



    Skyler Young



  • Resolution: 116/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That the Public Hearing for Bylaw #1895 & Bylaw 1896 be closed at 2:54 p.m.


The Chair called for a recess at 2:54 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 3:34 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 117/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council authorize the Reeve to send a letter to Minister Devin Dreeshen of Transportation and Economic Corridors confirming the funding opportunity and that there will be no impact to the Municipality’s ability to obtain grant funding through the normal grant application process for future municipal infrastructure projects.




The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.

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