Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • John McKiernan, Manager of Environmental Services
  • Barb Hazelton, Manager of Planning and Development
  • Brandy Morgan, Planning and Development Officer
  • Deanna Keiver, Planning and Development Officer
  • Mike Conkin, Project Supervisor
  • Wendy Gerbrandt, Economic Development Manager
  • Rajeana Nyman, Property Tax Clerk
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



Additions under Council & Committee Reports
9.3 Red Deer River Municipal Users Group
9.4 Police Advisory Committee
9.5 Division 5 Ratepayer Event
9.6 Division 1 Report
9.7 Kneehill Regional Doctor Recruitment and Retention Committee 
9.8 Trochu Housing Committee
9.9 Rocky View County/Kneehill County Inter-Municipal Committee Meeting

Additions under Closed Session
12.2 Confidential Evaluations (FOIP- Section 19)

  • Resolution: 118/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as amended.

  • Resolution: 119/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the April 23, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.


The Chair called for a recess at 9:30 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:36 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

The Chair called for a recess at 9:58 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:02 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 120/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council move second reading of proposed Bylaw 1895 for the purpose of  amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating the NE 2-29-24-W4, portions of the NW 2-29-24-W4, SE 2-29-24-W4 and SW 2-29-24-W4 from Agriculture District to Direct Control District 7.

    For (1)Councillor McGhee
    Against (6)Councillor Penner, Deputy Reeve Wittstock, Councillor Fobes, Councillor Cunningham, Councillor Christie, and Reeve King
    DEFEATED (1 to 6)
  • Resolution: 121/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council move second reading of proposed Bylaw 1896 for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating portions of the NW 2-29-24-W4 and the SW 2-29-24-W4 from Agriculture District & Local Rural Commercial District to Direct Control District 8.

    For (1)Councillor McGhee
    Against (6)Councillor Penner, Deputy Reeve Wittstock, Councillor Fobes, Councillor Cunningham, Councillor Christie, and Reeve King
    DEFEATED (1 to 6)

The Chair called for a recess at 10:07 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:11 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Michaela Clark and Shelley Jackson-Berry provided Council highlights from the 2023 Kneehill Regional Family and Community Support Services Community Support Program.

Community Services




The Chair called for a recess at 10:43 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:50 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 122/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve and accept a value of $15,500 for approximately 5.651 +/- acres of the undeveloped road allowance on the west side of the west half of section 25-33-25 W4.

  • Resolution: 123/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council provide second reading to Bylaw 1870, that being a bylaw to pursue the road closure and consolidation of the undeveloped road allowance adjacent the west side of the west half of section 25-33-25 W4.

  • Resolution: 124/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw 1870, that being a bylaw to pursue the road closure and consolidation of the undeveloped road allowance adjacent the west side of the west half of section 25-33-25 W4.

  • Resolution: 125/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council move first reading of proposed Bylaw 1900 for the purpose of Amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating portions of the SW 13-29-25-W4M, Plan 861 0569, Blk 2 from Agriculture District to Local Rural Commercial.

  • Resolution: 126/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council move to schedule the Public Hearing, for Bylaw 1900 as per Sections 216.4 & 692 of the Municipal Government Act, to be held on June 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

  • Resolution: 127/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council direct  Administration to purchase tickets for the Central Alberta Economic Partnership Economic Development event on May 23rd to be funded through Strategic Initiatives.

  • Resolution: 128/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct administration to purchase tickets for Council to attend the Business and Blue Jeans event to be funded through Strategic Initiatives.

  • Resolution: 129/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approve the use of a water truck and operator and supply water to fill barricades for the 2024 Three Hills Cruise Weekend races.

  • Resolution: 130/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council provide first reading to Bylaw 1901, that being a bylaw for the Sunnyslope Water “Pressure” Local Improvement Bylaw Amendment, replacing Schedule B of Bylaw 1689 due to subdivision activity.

  • Resolution: 131/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council provide second reading to Bylaw 1901.

  • Resolution: 132/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council provide unanimous consent to hold third reading to Bylaw 1901.

  • Resolution: 133/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council provide third and final reading to Bylaw 1901. 

  • Resolution: 134/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council approve the Lunch with Friends Society being added as an Additional Named Insured (ANI) under the County’s Insurance Policy for the 2024 year and reviewed for the 2025 year.

  • Resolution: 135/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct Administration to develop criteria and a policy for the management of additional named insured applications within Kneehill County.


  • Resolution: 136/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council provide support to the Three Hills Thrashers Junior “B” Hockey Club, by sponsoring $500.00 from the Community Enrichment Support Program.

  • Resolution: 137/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council provide the Trochu and District Agricultural Society sponsorship in the amount of $250.00 to assist in the costs associated with hosting the 2024 Rodeo event, with funds to come from the Community Enrichment Support Program.

  • Resolution: 138/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council provide the Trochu and District Agricultural Society sponsorship in the amount of $500.00 to assist in the costs associated with hosting the 2024 Rodeo event, with funds to come from the Community Enrichment Support Program.


Infrastructure- Roads/Bridges/Water/Wastewater/Environment


The Chair called for a recess at 12:18 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 139/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council accepts the Hamlet of Huxley Wastewater Study as information.

  • Resolution: 140/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council directs Administration to coordinate a community engagement session with Huxley residents to present the findings of the wastewater study.

  • Resolution: 141/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council receive for information the Kneehill Regional Family Community Support Services Annual Report and presentation.


Council and Committee Reports


Kneehill Housing Corporation minutes from the January 31st, 2024, meeting were provided. 

Community Futures Wildrose Annual Performance Report was provided.

Reeve Wittstock provided a verbal report on the MD of Acadia and Special Areas irrigation system project.

Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the Police Advisory Committee.

Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the Division 5 meeting.

Councillor McGhee provided a verbal report on Central Alberta Economic Partnership, Marigold Library, and the Economic Development Conference.



The Chair called for a recess at 1:57 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 2:02 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Andy Cumming, Sean Royer and Kevin Seward from the Natural Resources Conservation Board presented to Council at the request from Council in accordance with Council's resolution from the February 13, 2024 Council meeting.

Council and Committee Reports


The Chair called for a recess at 3:05 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 3:10 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Reeve King provided a verbal report on the meeting he attended on May 8, 2024.

Reeve King provided a verbal report on the meeting he attended on May 13, 2024.

Reeve King provided a verbal report on the meeting he attended on May 9, 2024.

  • Resolution: 142/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.

  • Resolution: 143/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.


Disposition of Delegation & Public Hearing Business

  • Resolution: 144/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council receive for information the presentation provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Board.

  • Resolution: 145/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That this meeting goes into closed session at 3:15 p.m. for the following reason(s):
    Third Party Business (FOIP-Section 16)
    Confidential Evaluations (FOIP-Section 19)

  • Resolution: 146/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council return to open meeting at 4:56 p.m.


    4:56 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public.
    4:57 p.m. - meeting resumed.

  • Resolution: 147/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council approve, in principle, the participation in the proposed Stabilization Program and proceed with development of a formal Memorandum of Understanding.




The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.

No Item Selected