Kneehill CountyRegular Meeting of CouncilMinutesTuesday, October 22, 2024, After the Organizational Meeting1600 2nd Street NEThree Hills, AB T0M 2A0Council Present:Faye McGhee, Deputy ReeveDebbie Penner, CouncillorJerry Wittstock, CouncillorCarrie Fobes, CouncillorLaura Lee Machell-Cunningham, CouncillorWade Christie, CouncillorKenneth King, ReeveStaff Present:Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative OfficerMike Ziehr, Director of InfrastructureKevin Gannon, Director of Community ServicesTheresa Cochran, Director of Corporate ServicesBarb Hazelton, Manager of Planning and DevelopmentMarika Von Mirbach, Manager of Financial PlanningUshba Khalid, Municipal InternCarolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Manager1.Call Meeting to Order Reeve King called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.1.1Agenda 1.1.1Additions to the Agenda Additions under Council & Committee Reports 9.2 Division 5 Report 9.3 Drumheller Solid Waste9.4 Central Alberta Economic Partnership9.5 Division 7 Report Additions under Closed Session 11.1 Third Party Business (FOIP Section 16)1.1.2Adoption of the Agenda Resolution: 354/24Moved by:Councillor ChristieThat Council approve the agenda as amended.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY2.Approval of Minutes 2.1Regular Council Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2024 Resolution: 355/24Moved by:Deputy Reeve McGheeThat Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the October 8, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY4.Corporate Services 4.12025 Budget – Core Operating Resolution: 356/24Moved by:Councillor Christie That Council receive the 2025 Budget Core Operating Budget presentation for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY5.Infrastructure- Roads/Bridges/Water/Wastewater/Environment 5.1Policy 13-10, Mailboxes The Chair called for a recess at 11:44 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 11:50 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.Resolution: 357/24Moved by:Deputy Reeve McGheeThat Council approve policy 13-10 Mailboxes as presented.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY5.2Policy 13-6-7, Gravel Stockpile Leases Resolution: 358/24Moved by:Councillor WittstockThat Council approve the amended revisions to policy 13-6-7 and direct Administration to add gravel stockpile lease rates to the Master Rates Bylaw at the next update.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY6.Community Services 6.1Planning 6.1.1Municipal Participation in Lone Butte Solar Project The Chair called for a recess at 11:59 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present. The Chair deferred this item until later in the meeting, in order to accommodate the scheduled Delegation, which was set for 1:30 p.m.3.Appointments 3.1Delegation- Kevin Niemi The Chair called for a recess at 1:26 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:30 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present. Mr. Niemi presented to Council regarding Council's initial and unapproved draft budget.Resolution: 359/24Moved by:Deputy Reeve McGheeThat Council address Mr.Niemi's delegation under Section 8 of today's agenda.CARRIED6.Community Services Public Comments: 6.1Planning Public Comments: 6.1.2Municipal Participation in Lone Butte Solar Project Cont'd The Chair called for a recess at 1:58 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 2:06 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.Resolution: 360/24Moved by:Councillor CunninghamThat Council move that Kneehill County participate in the AUC process regarding the Lone Butte Solar Project.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLYResolution: 361/24Moved by:Councillor FobesThat Council discuss specific concerns regarding the Lone Butte Solar Project at the Nov 12, 2024, Regular Council MeetingCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY6.3Protective Services 6.3.1Disposal of Fire Engines Resolution: 362/24Moved by:Deputy Reeve McGheeThat Council donate the two engines (Spare and Kneehill County Three Hills Station) to Alberta Society for Firefighters Abroad – Project Paraguay.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY7.Legislative Services 7.1Community Grants Round Two 2024 Resolution: 363/24Moved by:Councillor PennerThat Council approve the following Round Two Community Grants for the listed non-profit organizations: Trochu Dance Troupe Society $425.00 Purchase mirror coverings in their dance studio Torrington & District Ag Society $480.37 Purchase new goalie net netting Kneehill Minor Hockey Assoc $1,470.00 Replace worn out goalie equipment Kneehill Adult Learning $2,750.00 For minor renovations to learning and office space TOTAL $5,125.37 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY7.2Renewable Energy Reclamation Security Engagement Resolution: 364/24Moved by:Councillor CunninghamThat Council direct Administration to submit a written response as part of the Renewable Energy Reclamation Security Engagement based on the amended answers discussed submitted by October 25th, 2024.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY7.3Central Alberta Economic Partnership Resolution: 365/24Moved by:Councillor PennerThat Council direct Administration to seek applications for the CAEP Business Representative position from the community for consideration at the November 12th, 2024 Regular Council Meeting.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY7.4Kneehill County Governance Model Resolution: 366/24Moved by:Deputy Reeve McGheeThat this meeting goes into closed session at 3:30 p.m. for the following reason(s). Disclosure Harmful to Personal Privacy (FOIP: Section 17) CARRIEDResolution: 367/24Moved by:Councillor ChristieThat Council return to open meeting at 3:57 p.m.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY4:02 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public. 4:07 p.m. - meeting resumed.Resolution: 368/24Moved by:Councillor ChristieThat Council direct Administration to develop a Kneehill County Governance Model document for Council approval, with funding coming from the 2024 approved Operating Budget.CARRIED8.Disposition of Delegation & Public Hearing Business 8.1Kevin Niemi Delegation Resolution: 369/24Moved by:Councillor ChristieThat Council direct Administration to proceed with a written response to Mr. Niemi regarding his delegation at today's meeting.CARRIED9.Council and Committee Reports Public Comments: 9.1Community Futures Wildrose Councillor Christie provided minutes from the September 5, 2024 meeting and the most recent Loan Portfolio Monthly Report and provided an update on the Heart of our Community Small Business Award.9.2Division 5 Report Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal update on the meetings she attended and the business she completed.9.3Drumheller Solid Waste Association Councillor Penner provided a verbal report on the activities and developments at the Drumheller Solid Waste Association.9.4Central Alberta Economic Partnership Councillor McGhee provided an update on the event she attended, hosted by the Central Alberta Economic Partnership.9.5Division 7 Report Reeve King provided a written report on the Rural Health Professions Action Plan Conference he attended and the Trochu Housing Project.9.Council and Committee Reports Resolution: 370/24Moved by:Councillor WittstockThat Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY10.Council Follow-Up Action List Resolution: 371/24Moved by:Councillor PennerThat Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY11.Closed Session Resolution: 372/24Moved by:Councillor PennerThat this meeting goes into closed session at 4:50 p.m. for the following reason(s): Third Party Business (FOIP- Section 17)CARRIED UNANIMOUSLYResolution: 373/24Moved by:Councillor ChristieThat Council return to open meeting at 4:56 p.m.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY4:58 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public. 4:58 p.m. - meeting resumed.13.Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.