Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • Barb Hazelton, Manager of Planning and Development
  • Marika Von Mirbach, Financial Planning Coordinator
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



Additions under Council & Committee Reports

9.2 Kneehill Housing
9.3 ASHA Convention
9.4 RMA Conference

Additions under Closed Session

11.1 Third Party Business (Section 16)

  • Resolution: 065/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as amended.

  • Resolution: 066/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the March 12, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.


Community Services



  • Resolution: 067/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council move first reading of proposed Bylaw 1895 for the purpose of Amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating the NE 2-29-24-W4, portions of the NW 2-29-24-W4, SE 2-29-24-W4 and SW 2-29-24-W4 from Agriculture District to Direct Control District 7.

  • Resolution: 068/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council move first reading of proposed Bylaw 1896 for the purpose of Amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating portions of the NW 2-29-24-W4 and the SW 2-29-24-W4 from Agriculture District & Local Rural Commercial District to Direct Control District 8.

  • Resolution: 069/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council move to schedule the Public Hearing, for Bylaw 1895 and 1896 as per Sections 216.4 & 692 of the Municipal Government Act, to be held on April 23, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. at the County office.

  • Resolution: 070/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council appoint the following as Fire Guardians for the issuance of Fire Permits to March 31, 2025:

    • Three Hills Fire Department: Chris Evans, Murray Fenton, Brandon Rempel
    • Acme Fire Department: Brian Fradgley, Bert Jackson, Robb Scott
    • Carbon Fire Department: Jody Kranzler, Jordan Reed, Jeremy Kranzler, Austin Larsen, Travis Cormier, Riddel Wiebe
    • Linden Fire Department: Kenton Klassen, Shawn Klassen, Carson Reimer, Max Penner
    • Torrington Fire Department: Doug Fretz, Jason Michielsen, Derek Benedict
    • Trochu Fire Department: Richard Hoppins, Alan Adam, Lawrence Hogg
    • Kneehill County Administrative: CAO, Director of Community Services, Manager of Protective Services, Rural Fire Chief



The Chair called for a recess at 9:30a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:40 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

The Chair called for a recess at 9:55 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

The Chair deferred this item until later in the meeting, in order to accommodate the scheduled Delegation, which was set for 10:00 a.m.

Kelly Tainsh and a group of concerned citizens provided a presentation expressing their concerns about the Wind Project proposed in Kneehill County.

Corporate Services


The Chair called for a recess at 10:39 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:50 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 071/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council approves reserve contributions of $3,077,826, as detailed in Appendix C.

  • Resolution: 072/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    The Council approves a draw of up to $60,000 from the Contingency reserve to fund the Municipal Intern program.

  • Resolution: 073/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approves a draw of $25,000 from the Contingency reserve for the Kneehill Historical Society in relation to Council motion 85/23.

  • Resolution: 074/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council approves $959,557 of operating project carryforwards, including funding sources, as detailed in Appendix D.

  • Resolution: 075/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approves $40,072 for one over budget capital project to be funded through the Capital Equipment Plan reserve, as detailed in Appendix E.

  • Resolution: 076/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council approves $5,695,480 of capital project carryforwards, including funding sources, as detailed in Appendix E.


The Chair called for a recess at 12:03 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 12:45 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present except Councillor Fobes.

  • Resolution: 077/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct Administration to incorporate full mitigation of the Kneehill Housing requisition increase in the amount of $220,024 in the 2024 mill-rate discussion.

  • Resolution: 078/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council direct Administration to incorporate full mitigation of the Alberta School Fund  2023 requisition under-levy in the amount of $640,286 in the 2024 mill-rate discussion.

  • Resolution: 079/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council direct Administration to request from Alberta Municipal Affairs an explanation on the significant error in assessment in the 2023 calculation of the Alberta School Fund requisition.  

  • Resolution: 080/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council provide the Trochu and District Arboretum Society sponsorship in the amount of $1,122 to assist in the costs associated with hosting the Trochu Flower, Baking and Photography Show.

  • Resolution: 081/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council receive for information the presentation presented by the Wind Concerns Kneehill County delegation.

  • Resolution: 082/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.


Councillor Christie provided the meeting minutes from the February 1, 2024, Community Futures Wildrose meeting.

Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the Kneehill Housing Corporation.

Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the conference that both she and Councillor Fobes attended.

Councillor Cunningham provided a verbal report on the Rural Municipalities of Alberta conference.

  • Resolution: 083/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.

  • Resolution: 084/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That this meeting goes into closed session at 1:40 pm for the following reason:

    Third Party Business (Section 16)

  • Resolution: 085/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council return to open meeting at 2:26 p.m.


    2:26 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public.

    2:27 p.m. - meeting resumed.



The meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.

No Item Selected