Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • Debra Grosfield, Manager of Protective Services
  • Fallon Sherlock, Manager of Parks and Agricultural Services
  • Jenna Kester, Economic Development Intern
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



Additions under Council & Committee Reports

9.1 Community Futures Wildrose
9.2 Trochu Housing Corporation

Additions under Closed Session

11.3 Third Party Business Interests (Section 16- FOIP)

  • Resolution: 050/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as amended.

  • Resolution: 051/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the February 27, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as presented.

  • Resolution: 052/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council approve the funding and installation of two new streetlights in the Hamlet of Huxley as presented, to be funded from the 2024 Operating Budget.

  • Resolution: 053/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That this meeting goes into closed session at 8:53 a.m. for the following reason.

    • Personnel (Section 17)
  • Resolution: 054/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council return to open meeting at 9:23 a.m.


    9:23 a.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public.

    9:29 p.m. - meeting resumed.

    The Chair deferred this item until later in the meeting, in order to accommodate the scheduled RCMP Delegation, which is set for 10:00 a.m.

    The Chair called for a recess at 9:52 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Sgt. Jamie Day, Three Hills RCMP; Sgt. Warren Wright, Olds RCMP; Sgt. Robert Harms, Drumheller RCMP; and Sgt. Greg Tulloch, Beiseker RCMP came and presented to Council on their 2024/2025 Annual Performance Plan.

The Chair called for a recess at 10:54 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 11:01 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Community Services


Economic Development

  • Resolution: 055/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council moves to host 3 Country Markets at Horseshoe Canyon in 2024 with a budget of $34,000 as part of the Growing Kneehill Project.

  • Resolution: 056/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct staff to seek partnership opportunities with the Cluster Group Event organized by the Open Farm Days in place of a County led celebration of agriculture event.


The Chair called for a recess at 12:30 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:15 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 057/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council sets the Community Priorities for RCMP for 2024 as rural crime prevention, community safety focus, presence in rural communities, road safety and partnering with Kneehill CPO’s in enforcement, education and engagement.


  • Resolution: 058/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approve the funding in the amount of $1,000.00 to the Kneehill 4-H District to assist in the costs associated with advertising for their Achievement Day, with funding to come from the Youth Event Sponsorship Grant Policy Program.

  • Resolution: 059/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council accept the RCMP presentation for information, as presented.

  • Resolution: 060/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.


Councillor Christie provided a verbal report on the Business Mentorship Program from Community Futures Wildrose.

Reeve King provided a verbal report on the Trochu Housing Corporation Meeting held on March 11, 2024.

  • Resolution: 061/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.

  • Resolution: 062/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That this meeting goes into closed session at 1:45 p.m. for the following reason(s):

    Advice from Officials (Section 24- FOIP)
    Personnel (Section 17-FOIP)
    Third Party Business Interest (Section 16-FOIP)

  • Resolution: 063/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council return to open meeting at 4:19 p.m.


    4:19 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public.
    4:22 p.m. - meeting resumed.

Councillor Cunningham requested a recorded vote be taken.

  • Resolution: 064/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council authorize administration to pursue the Economic Development opportunity as presented.

    For (5)Councillor McGhee, Councillor Penner, Deputy Reeve Wittstock, Councillor Christie, and Reeve King
    Against (2)Councillor Fobes, and Councillor Cunningham
    CARRIED (5 to 2)



The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

No Item Selected