Kneehill County

Regular Meeting of Council


1600 2nd Street NE
Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Council Present:
  • Faye McGhee, Councillor
  • Debbie Penner, Councillor
  • Jerry Wittstock, Deputy Reeve
  • Carrie Fobes, Councillor
  • Laura Lee Machell-Cunningham, Councillor
  • Wade Christie, Councillor
  • Kenneth King, Reeve
Staff Present:
  • Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Mike Ziehr, Director of Infrastructure
  • Kevin Gannon, Director of Community Services
  • Theresa Cochran, Director of Corporate Services
  • John McKiernan, Manager of Environmental Services
  • Marika Von Mirbach, Financial Planning Coordinator
  • Will Nyman, Information Management Supervisor
  • Deanna Keiver, Planning and Development Officer
  • Fallon Sherlock, Manager of Parks and Agricultural Services
  • Mike Conkin, Project Construction Supervisor
  • Wendy Gerbrandt, Economic Development Officer
  • Carolyn Van der Kuil, Legislative Services Coordinator

Reeve King called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



Additions under Community Services: Agricultural Service Board & Parks

5.2.3 Growing Kneehill Country Market

Additions under Council & Committee Reports

9.1 CAEP Event 
9.2 Invite from CAEP
9.3 Kneehill Housing

Additions under Closed Session

11.1 Third Party Business (FOIP- Section 16)

  • Resolution: 148/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the agenda as amended.

  • Resolution: 149/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council approves the adoption of the minutes of the May 14, 2024, Regular Meeting of Council, as amended.


The Chair called for a recess at 8:51 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 8:53 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 150/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council accept the Hamlet of Wimborne Fluoride reduction study as information.

  • Resolution: 151/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council approve the expenditure of up to $555,000 from the Capital Equipment Replacement Reserve to fund the purchase of a Class 8 Highway Snowplow for delivery in the fall of 2024.

  • Resolution: 152/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council direct that insurance proceeds received as a result of the totalled snowplow be contributed to the Capital Equipment Replacement Reserve.

  • Resolution: 153/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council move first reading of proposed Bylaw 1902 for the purpose of amending Land Use Bylaw 1808 by redesignating a portion of SW 16-31-25 W4 from Agriculture District to Recreation District.

  • Resolution: 154/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That Council move to schedule the Public Hearing, as per Sections 216.4 & 692 of the Municipal Government Act, to be held on June 25, 2024, at 10:00 a.m.

  • Resolution: 155/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council approve the allocation of $5000 in funding to support the Open Farm Days Cluster event at the Trochu Arboretum on August 17, 2024, to be funded from the Growing Kneehill project budget.


The Chair called for a recess at 9:26 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:35 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 156/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council appoint Fallon Sherlock as Agricultural Fieldman for Kneehill County.

  • Resolution: 157/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council set a threshold of 15 vendors, per event, by May 31, 2024, for the Country Market and cancel any respective Country Market that does not meet this threshold.

  • Resolution: 158/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council direct Administration to include the Country Market in the 2025 budget for Council's consideration.

  • Resolution: 159/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That Council direct Administration to conduct outreach, to potential Country Market vendors in Kneehill County, utilizing funding not to exceed $4,000.00, currently allocated for the Country Market in the 2024 budget.

  • Resolution: 160/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council approve the purchase of Virtual City Hall in 2024 for $15,000 with funds coming from Corporate Initiatives.


The Chair called for a recess at 10:28 a.m. and called the meeting back to order at 10:34 a.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

Julie Miller, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Kneehill Housing, provided Council a presentation on how the Golden Hills Lodge is funded, how rental rates are set, how municipalities are requisitioned, and the cost pressures facing the Golden Hills Lodge.

Troy Birtles, Kris Meadows and Sean Barrett from Accurate Assessment presented highlights of  Kneehill County's 2023 Assessment.

Corporate Services


The Chair called for a recess at 12:23 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. with all previously mentioned members present.

  • Resolution: 161/24
    Moved by:Deputy Reeve Wittstock

    That council increase the budget for the Council Screen replacement from $44,000 to $64,000 with funds coming from the IT reserve.

  • Resolution: 162/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council undertake the first reading of Bylaw 1898 as directed by the Council resolution on February 27th, 2024, which mandated the creation of a new bylaw to address timelines and interest rates associated with the Trochu Housing Corporation's loan guarantee agreement.

  • Resolution: 163/24
    Moved by:Councillor McGhee

    That the 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets, the 2026-2028 Operating Forecast, and the 2026-2030 Capital Forecast, be prepared in accordance with the following principles:

    • Align with Council’s Strategic Plan
    • Sustain existing service levels
    • Maintain competitive tax rates
    • Review and recommend adjustments of service fees and rates as necessary
    • Continue to implement and monitor a proactive infrastructure renewal strategy
    • Enhance the customer experience
  • Resolution: 164/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council direct staff to prepare a written submission as part of the current AUC review of Rule 007.

  • Resolution: 165/24
    Moved by:Councillor Penner

    That Council receive for information the presentation provided by the Kneehill Housing Corporation.

  • Resolution: 166/24
    Moved by:Councillor Cunningham

    That Council receive for information the Accurate Assessment presentation.

  • Resolution: 167/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That Council accepts for information the Council & Committee Report, as presented.


Councillors provided an update on the Central Alberta Economic Partnership event that took place on Thursday, May 23, 2024 in Red Deer.

Councillor McGhee provided Council an update on the webinar event that will take place on Thursday, May 30th.

Councillor Cunningham provided an update on the Kneehill Housing Corporation.

  • Resolution: 168/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council receive for information the Council Follow-Up Action List as presented.

  • Resolution: 169/24
    Moved by:Councillor Fobes

    That this meeting goes into closed session at 2:45 p.m. for the following reason(s):

    • Third Party Business (FOIP-Section 16)
  • Resolution: 170/24
    Moved by:Councillor Christie

    That Council return to open meeting at 4:19 p.m.


    4:19 p.m. - meeting recessed to allow return of public.
    4:20 p.m. - meeting resumed.



The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

No Item Selected